the bottle designer

‘The bottle designer packages your brand into a tailor-made bottle design’

Managing Director and Founder Marc van Megen:

‘Using the most effective elements from diverse design methods combined with a huge passion for bottle design, I developed a lean and compact design approach, that is both time and cost efficient. By cooperating with a vast team of professionals like graphic design agencies, engineering, visualizers, rapid prototypers and model makers, we are able to provide the right know-how and knowledge at the right time. I find working with the passion of start-ups and SME’s highly contagious; building and growing together. We offer you knowledge about entrepreneurship, packaging and design, you start off with a bang. The Bottle Designer ensures that the look & feel of your packaging is in line with your key brand values and enforces your company.’

Marc van Megen in business attire

The Bottle Designer: your temporary in-house design department

We are a full service design agency specialised in bottle packaging design to serve that market optimally. With over 20 years of experience at larger design consultancies in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom we know that we are the best choice possible in bottle design innovation processes.

Design offers a leading edge

In a business where competition is fierce, there is a need to safeguard the return on investment. Best is to look at how the big guys are doing it, like multinationals with large budgets and use the same design methods. They want to have reassurance that their product packaging is going to be appealing for the consumer.
I know you have that same need but you also want to work together with someone who understands you; cost efficient, with short lines and fast results

Do you want to stay ahead of your competition?

Give yourself a leading edge with the best strategic design method. We focus on end-user needs and brand values translated in your bottle design.


Brand values

Your successful brand is authentic and has relevant products that need to distinguish you from the competition in an understandable way for the end-user.



Needs of the end-user

The Bottle Designer uses an end-user focussed design approach, because we are convinced consumers only buy products they want or need to have. Understanding your end-user is most important.


Translating in a shape

The bottle is the communicator standing between your brand and the client: the end-user. The look and feel of the bottle design communicates your brand values on the shelf in such a way that it attracts your targeted end-user. The bottle shape, colour, material and label need to communicate your story to be recognisable and understandable for your end-user.



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We can help you with your ideas