Project Description

Enjoy the feel good food

The look and feel of the design emphasises the fruity syrup taste. Even more when stacked on top of one other on the shelf. This ‘pile of apples’ clearly communicates the feel good food experience with the consumer. The apple design distinguishes itself from competitors on the shelf, even from a distance.

Red plastic apple syrup container
Open red plastic apple syrup contaner

Re-use feels good too

The Syrup packaging is injection moulded in one piece, including the hinge and resealable lid. Great for re-using it as storage box for small things at home or to protect the apple your kids eat at school.

Sketches of apple syrup container in red, yellow and green

Designed at Well design


Would you like to know more about this project:

Marc van Megen
Call: +31 (0)6 2169 4080